Have your patients smiling in just 3 visits with our digital implant workflow

Full-arch implant restorations in 3 visits

Have your patients smiling in just 3 visits with our digital workflow

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*Analog cases require 5 visits

Full-arch implant restorations in 3 visits

Have your patients smiling in just 3 visits with our digital workflow

*Analog cases require 5 visits

Efficient. Comfortable. Simple.

Our digital implant workflows yield 40% less time and are easy to integrate into your current workflow.


Our digital implant workflows yield 40% less time and are easy to integrate into your current workflow.

Introducing the Straumann Revex Scanbody.

From temporary to final in just 3 visits (learn about the workflow, here).


Digital Impression


Try-in prototype


Final Delivery

A simple workflow for full-arch implant restorations in 3 visits

A simple workflow for full-arch implant restorations in 3 visits

Workflow - Step 1

IOS setup for screw-retained workflow for bridge

Workflow - Step 2

Intraoral scan of the opposing arch

Workflow - Step 3

Intraoral scan with the screwed temporary denture in place

Workflow - Step 4

Intraoral bite scan

Workflow - Step 5

Intraoral scan of the soft tissue with screw-retained abutments in place

Workflow - Step 6

Extraoral scan of the temporary restoration with Strauamann RevEX scanbodies in place

Workflow - Step 7

Verification model with resins and materials you already have in-office

Workflow - Step 8

Prototype try-in to review the design, esthetics, and phonetics. If necessary, adjust the passive fit on the verification jig.

Workflow - Step 9

Design and manufacturing of the final restoration

Workflow - Step 10

Delivery of the final restoration

Workflow - Step 10

Delivery of the final restoration


"Extraoral scanning with the novel Straumann® RevEX™ is a game changer. It facilitates a complete digital full-arch workflow in a precise and efficient manner.”

Dr. Panos Papaspyridakos

We're passionate about dentistry.

We help dentists like you grow your practices by maximizing predictability and minimizing expensive remakes and complications.


Question #1 regarding implants?

The goal of this section is to anticipate the questions before they're even asked. What are the top questions you receive from your Docs, re: implants? Let's put them here.

Question #2 regarding implants?

The goal of this section is to anticipate the questions before they're even asked. What are the top questions you receive from your Docs, re: implants? Let's put them here.

Question #3 regarding implants?

The goal of this section is to anticipate the questions before they're even asked. What are the top questions you receive from your Docs, re: implants? Let's put them here.

Question #4 regarding implants?

The goal of this section is to anticipate the questions before they're even asked. What are the top questions you receive from your Docs, re: implants? Let's put them here.

Have further questions?

We look forward to serving you.
